I felt rejuvenated after speaking with Mimi. Dennis and I had gotten into a heated discussion about his infidelity and I had grown sick and tired of him trying to convince me that the condom wrapper I'd found was one of his boys' that he was covering for. I had been so loyal to him. So damn good to him. How could he do this to me? It was time to make him pay.
Mimi was my best friend from high school who was my running partner. We'd gone to clubs, parties and plays together often. Her personality complimented mine as we were always the center of attention because we were both boisterous and what others had labeled "crazy in a good way!"
When Mimi called, I was still in a funk from That Fucker and his lies. Knowing the turbulent history Dennis and I shared, Mimi suggested I hang out with her that night. I half listened as she explained that her friend Ernie was having a spades party. Was she joking? She knew damned well that I didn't know how to play and had no desire to learn. This always made people laugh because I grew up in a very "urban area". I perked up when she mentioned that there would be other things I could do there and that Ernie's friends would be there, as well. Ernie wasn't a cutie but he was well known, had loot and was an all around nice guy. If his friends were anything like him. It was bound to be fun. Ernie lived a few blocks away from Mimi, she and I agreed to meet at her apartment at 8:30 that evening.
I hopped in a cab across town to Mimi's. The distance from my apartment building to Mimi's was exactly 15 minutes and like clockwork, I'd arrived at her building. I paid the cab driver, hopped out of the cab, walked a few steps to her building and rang her buzzer. Mimi pressed the code and the lock on the door released. She instructed me to wait in the lobby, she would be right down.
My mind drifted to The Fucker and his lies. I made a conscious decision to have a good time and not think about his liar ass anymore that night! Before I got too wrapped up in my thoughts, Mimi stepped off of the elevator and we walked out of the lobby into the frigid night.
We chatted on the walk to Ernie's. Mimi was very clear in her instructions to me to cheer up. After a quick walk we got to Ernie's apartment. Ernie greeted us with warm hugs and invited us in. I took a glance around and there weren't as many people here as I had anticipated. Not that Mimi had given a specific number. I thought my chances of having fun and cheering up were thrown out of the window, until I saw You.
Ernie introduces us to everyone. Mimi is ahead of the game as these were all of her childhood friends. I smile shyly and give a quick wave, not making eye contact with anyone.
Using discretion, I point You out and ask Mimi who you are. I was told that You was a rapper on the rise and already had a strong fan base. I find You attractive, fuckable even. You are the most attractive guy here tonight but am not at all impressed with your occupation. It's cliche and I expected something different. Just different.
Mimi leaves me and mingles with the other guest. I sat by the baby grand piano, and played a few notes that I know. You walked over to me and introduced yourself. I learn your name, age, and a few other facts about you that you chose to share. I, in return, provided the same information about myself. My heart pounds as you place your arms in your coat. I pray that you are not leaving because I am enjoying the attention you are paying me. I am relieved to find out that you are only going to the Bodega to get your favorite treat. You asked if I would like for you to bring me back something. Intrigued, I requested that you bring me back whatever you are getting for youself. I am a risk taker, what can I say!
Twenty minutes later, you return with a brown bag. After removing your coat, you instruct me to follow you into the kitchen. I take your lead.