For those of you interested in knowing a little more about me, I thought I'd break down The Fury A - Z. Well it'll be a two parter, we'll do A - M first.
A is for allergies. Of which I have, especially the hay fever/pollen kind. I once had a full blown allergy attack of repetitive sneezing during sex. Did this stop me? Nope just kept on pumping away because she was about to cum and I'm not that selfish.
B is for blow jobs..good ones. The true way to my heart. Now, if you can give a great blow job AND cook...go ahead and send me an email...let's be friends.
C is for cumming which I don't do often or easily (at your hands, mouth, or other parts). Hey, what can I say, I'm a challenge for you ladies.
D is for doggy style, which all things being considered, I must admit is, in all of it's incarnations, my favorite sexual position. I like plump asses and well...doggy style gives a great view.
E is exotic dancers. My first trip to a strip club was when I was well under age and snuck in by my brother and his friends because they didn't want to take time to drop me off at home first. I had a coke (cola) and watched the wild gyrating. I've had great conversations with dancers, arguments that boiled over to heated sexual tension, lap dances from heaven and hell, seen college classmates dance topless in shock, surprise and titillation and through it all, I've never felt like it wasn't money well spent.
F is for far sighted. Apparently, I am slightly this, but really my sight is fine. In fact, I know this because I had no problem seeing the round ass on the optician's assistant that gave me the eye exam.
G is for group sex. The closest I've ever come to this is having sex with other people in the same room that were also having sex albeit we were in different parts of the room. Although, I can't honestly say I'm against it. I've just never been in the situation.
H is for handcuffs. I've been handcuffed and have handcuffed others. I work much better as a Dom. If the cuffs come into the bedroom, you're pretty much a lock to have your wrists squeezed on tightly by the metal (or fur covered) toys while I tease you to juicy wet pieces.
I is for instant gratification. I only like this in spurts (no pun intended) and in certain instances. I like feeling and enjoying all of the sensations, tastes and sounds of sex. See "C" above.
J is for jerking off. Sorry, I know I should put this under "M" for masturbation, but I already have something for "M" so...jerking off...Something I often do after writing a really good post here (although that's not the only criteria). Most times I don't write the confession posts so much as channel them. I get worked up pretty well writing them. If you want to get well tasted, caressed, kissed, intimated or fucked mercilessly, come see me right after I finish a hot post.
J can be for Jayne Kennedy the TV personality an sportscaster I had a gigantic celebrity crush on as a kid. She eventually went on to do a highly touted Playboy cover & pictorial. Urban legend had it she had made one of the first celebrity sex tapes with her grease ball husband/actor Leon Issac Kennedy. The controversy (and Playboy) eventually led to her not being on TV much anymore. I saw the Playboy pictorial somewhere around 17 years old one day walking around Greenwich Village when one of those homeless/down on his luck guys had it for sale on the street. I flipped through it for all her ebony goodness then tossed the guy a buck for the pleasure. Turns out the sex tape wasn't legend. One day surfing the net for porn I began a relative scavenger hunt of clues that lead me to a low quality (well it was shot in super old VHS) version of my childhood celebrity crush prancing around naked with full 1980s bush, having sex, masturbating and then getting fisted by the grease ball. Maybe that should've been my "F" entry. Alas, I've never felt the urge to punch a woman in her cervix...with my fists.
K is for kissing. I like to kiss. I like lingering wet, warm passionate kisses. I like the intimacy of it all..if I like being intimate with you. Otherwise, it's just a little personal.
L is for lurkers. Yes, all of you that read sexy blogs, especially this one, without making a comment, sending an email (to dirtydetails(at) or in some way shape or form encouraging/critiquing the writers (ie. me). I love you lurkers and I think of new ways to get you to say something to me. ALL of you lurkers. The thousands of you that come here every month. Lurkers from everywhere as far as New Zealand. Although the world is small on the net isn't it? While I write for me and my constant active readers, it's you lurkers (especially those constantly returning lurkers dubbed returning visitors in my site stats) that really push me to do new things. Doing new things in hopes you will climb out of your shell.
M is for money. Something I've never spent directly for sex. Yes I know indirectly for dinners, wining/dining, Valentine's Day gifts blah blah blah, but never in the Spitzer buys a call girl way. Not that I have anything against the guy (except that his silly ass got caught) or the tons of hot sex workers out there. I have just never felt compelled to pay (yes I know directly) for sex. Although (see above) I have spent my fair share for "like sex".
My name is The Fury, I have 13 letters left..