Playin' Footsie
Hola Readers! The weeks almost over, don't you just love short weeks?! Whilst surfing the internets, as I so often do, looking for images to turn me on, I came across a foot fetish site which I thought I'd post for Sheen (after reading his post about his love for women's feet and shoes) The site has an amazing array of foot fetish pics in large size (for use as wallpaper I'd guess), tons of celebrity pics, many of whom I am not familiar with at all.
I've never considered myself a foot or shoe person myself, but after reading Sheen's post I kind of had my eyes opened a bit. I know for a fact that many women spend an inordinate amount of time on shoes, shopping for them, trying them on, organizing them at home and just plain thinking about them. I guess I never had much appreciation for all that effort put into shoes, but after looking at some of the pictures, I'm definitely much more aware of them. I don't know, feet and shoes don't really turn me on, but I can at least see and understand how they might have that effect on someone else. Some of the shoes on that site are absolute jewels, pure eye candy, even for me. In the end I can't blame someone for loving shoes so much (man or woman), they really can make or break an outfit.