Hey Y'all! How is your weekend coming along? I've been very lazy lately and thus the lack of recent postings. So to try and make up for a little of that, I thought I'd pop in here for a rare weekend post. The topic is a movie I watched recently. The film is named "Choke" and stars Sam Rockwell and Anjelica Huston as his mutter. Pictured above we have two sex addicts and best friends in the movie, hanging out in a strip club (of course). So other than a lot of naughty images and lots of bare breasts, what titillated me about this particular film? Well, right in the beginning of the movie we get to see a girl hand her panties over to Sam who then follows her to the bathroom where they fuck right on the filthy floor. The best part of this is when Sam takes her panties to his face and sniffs them hard while she rides his cock...WOW! Well, although Victor (Sam's character) seems like a piece of shit scam artist at first, we learn that just like in real life, there is much more to him than just his seedy side. Yes, there is no all bad or all good, only grey areas in between. Let's all try and stay toward the good end of the spectrum, but keep that bad side around for fun! ;^) Have a good weekend everyone!