...on YouTube! And a little bonus material. I'm sad to see the show come to an end, but I have to make way for all the new peepshows coming this spring! Babe Jaeger and I shot three new videos over last weekend, and will shoot another couple next weekend. If I can just find all the props I need, that is. I need a moonshine jug and a pig, to start. And I have to finish sewing new costumes!
I put up a few photographs that were a side effect of this weekend's videotaping on my flickr today. Immediately two of them got picked up by the "Accordion Lust" flickr site, which is fun! The photos will give you a clue as to what one of the new videos is about.
And I got my first marriage proposal today on StripCHEEZ.com! I love those folks! Where else, instead of tame old vanilla "favoriting," could your videos get you fabulous stripper gifts and swag like that? And you get tipped in CHEEZbucks! Granny Panty loves it! Check them out!
And where the heck is The Isle of Man, anyway? My YouTube stats tell me my videos are particularly popular there. It's crazy, really. My videos are viewed more in Europe than in the U.S., it seeems. The new "Granny Panty, Mean Dominatrix" video got featured right away in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy, and I see today it's now featured in the U.K., Belgium, France and the U.S. Lots of people crave discipline, evidently! Especially when served up with a laugh?