Horny in the In-Between Time

I miss them, already. Her and Him. My sexy couple.

Our two times together continue to run through my brain. Will there be a third time? I hope so. I have so many ideas for how it could go. I should share them with you all...

We're talking often, She and I, by email. Scandalously naughty emails. Soon...

I miss kissing her already. I miss the three of us entwined. I miss sucking on Him. I miss licking her wet delicious pussy. I miss them already.

While we're waiting for the next encounter, the next juicy story in the making, I have two questions for you, readers:

1. She has found and is enjoying this blog. Do you have thoughts for Her here about the two times together as recounted here? Or encouragement for Her to have a third time?

2. What do you think of the Male-Female-Male scenario that we lived and I described? And of my bi-sexual role in the middle?

Share with me. Detailed thoughts please...