"Make me"
Those two little words, said by me, are what send him over the edge. I become a challenge. A dare. Something to conquer.
In the real world I am stubborn and independant. My mother says that I would argue with God and piss off the Pope. I have been called a pain in the ass numerous times.
In the real world if you ordered me to do something you would be given a look that very clearly implies go to hell.
In the real world I am smart and bossy, and in charge of countless men, women and children all day, every day.
In the real world I am opinionated, controlling, and always in the lead.
Which is why the words "make me" fall so easily from my mouth. And why he is so easily inspired to do just that. To make me bend and submit. To make me his. To make me give in.
It makes the conquest so much sweeter.
He tells me there is victory in being able to dominate a strong woman.
I tell him to go to hell.
And he takes me to heaven.