The need to cum is so great I can hardly think straight. I am actually dizzy my mind so full up of images of you. My skin tingles as if electric and my pussy aches and throbs to be touched. My nipples so alert and hard that they hurt brushing against the lace of my bra. I need to cum. I have to cum. Now. My panties are slipped down my thighs and my fingers settle into my soaking wetness. Dipping them in and then back out, faster and then slower. My head tilts back and my legs open wider and my stroking becomes rhythmic. My free hand claws my thigh, nails digging in. The picture behind my closed eyes is that of me sitting in your lap, facing you, straddling you, your mouth on mine and your cock buried deep. It's what sends me over the edge, grants me that sweet release that I have been craving. I cum so hard that for a moment I cannot even breath. Even my heart catches as I free fall into the abyss of pure and total release. Slowly I emerge again into the now. Everything clears and comes back into focus. My breathing becomes regular and my mind clears. My body feels heavy and puddles and melts.
I am aware that I must enjoy this moment of complete and utter satisfaction...for it never lasts long.