No, silly. It's not a ghost. It's the tear-away undies Granny's working on tonight.
I've been a little under the weather the past few days, and it's been pouring all day where I live. I decided to stay in and try to get well and to do some of the sewing I've been needing to find time for.
So, I'm happy to report I have two new pairs of tear-away undies for performing live, several cute cuffs and collars, and the pièce du résistance, a beautiful French maid apron! It nearly killed me making it, but it is lovely now that it's finished. And I made the little ruffled cap to go with it. Now I can be my very own French maid!
And, speaking of French maids, I don't think I mentioned it before, but Granny's off on one of her frequent trips to Paris next month to soak up atmosphere, culture and the shows at Crazy Horse and Moulin Rouge. It's research, darlings! I'll have to leave you with plenty of photographs to last you while I'm gone.
Thanks for all the Flickr views! 1,000 in just over a week! This makes Granny really happy and keeps her inspired to take more pictures for you. I have a shoot scheduled for next weekend, just as soon as my dear friend and regular photographer, Babe Jaeger, gets finished working on a wildlife documentary.
I'll sew a little more, then off to early bed for me so that I'm feeling up to my pole dancing class tomorrow afternoon. Nighty-night and pleasant dreams.