Granny P was thinking about that issue. When I do a photo shoot, I have to make sure for about a day before to avoid any tight-fitting clothing because my skin is so soft at my age that I'll have clothing marks on it that will show up in the photos if I don't take care. For that matter, sometimes I wake up and see even the creases in the sheets or pillow cases have left marks on my face and body!
That's what aging and loss of collagen and muscle mass do. And I was thinking, you know, being soft is really not such a bad thing! Our culture and the media seems to have put "hard bodies" on a pedestal for a couple of decades now. I guess my question is this: "What's wrong with a soft body?"
Soft bodies feel great to the fingertips. I love it when I'm told my skin is extra, extra soft. And I know why that is. It's not due to any miracle creams, lotions or potions. It's because I'm older, and naturally soft. Hard, sculpted bodies and the tightness and elasticity of youthful physiques have their own beauty and their own charms, certainly.
But there's nothing wrong at all with being velvety soft to the touch, Granny P thinks!