Passion's Path

I make no excuses for the way that I am, the life I chose to lead. I believe I was born destined for this path. It is in my blood. I was conceived and pre-programmed with these desires and needs and the ability to have them fulfilled. I don't feel guilty, I don't have regrets. Good or bad, I languish in this bed that I have made. I throw open the closet door and invite my bones to lay with me. Dance with me.

I come from a long line of cheaters and womanizers, mothers and fathers taking lovers over and over again. Raised in a house where sex was the "wink wink" prize in a bet between spouses. Where nakedness was beautiful, and open communication was encouraged. My mother and father have re-married over and over again and yet when I talk to the exes they all still express their love and longing for these two. There is no bitterness or regret. If I asked every one of them if they would do it all over again they would immediately say yes. It taught me that passion is important and that we have a right to have our needs met.

Life is so short. I don't want to be old and feeble and have regrets. I don't want to look back and wish that I had done more, lived more. I don't want to be sad that I just settled for what I got. Angry at myself for not doing more to make my needs important too. I deserve to be fulfilled and content. Those bones in my closet have made me who I am and I have enjoyed them all. The bed that I have made will not be rumpled with guilt or regrets.

The path of life can really be something when you are brave enough to wander off it for a bit...and into the adventure that awaits on each side.